Why Annual Results Reports Matter

We are pleased to present the annual report highlighting the United Nations' work in Zambia throughout 2023. This report serves a critical purpose in our ongoing collaboration with the government and people of Zambia.

Annual results reports are essential for several reasons:

Transparency and Accountability: These reports provide a transparent overview of our progress towards achieving the goals outlined in the Zambia-United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF). This fosters accountability, allowing all stakeholders, including the government, cooperating partners, and the public, to track our collective efforts.

Demonstrating Impact: By outlining achievements and ongoing initiatives, these reports showcase the tangible impact of our collaborative efforts on the lives of Zambians.

Identifying Areas for Improvement: The report also serves as a valuable tool for identifying areas where we can strengthen our work and adapt our strategies to better address Zambia's development needs.

Partners in Development

The United Nations family in Zambia, along with our cooperating partners, function as true development partners of the Zambian government. We work collaboratively towards the shared vision outlined in the UNSDCF, aligning our efforts with national development priorities. This report reflects the combined contributions of the UN and our partners, highlighting the collective impact we strive to achieve.

We invite you to delve into this report and learn more about the progress made in 2023. Together, we are committed to building a more prosperous, peaceful, and sustainable future for all Zambians.

UN Entities in Zambia